
MacLean Sewell Coaching Podcasts

1: Tips to Take Control and Lead in a Pandemic

2: Tips for Dealing with Stress

3. Take CHARGE of Your Attitude


Learn how MacLean Sewell Coaching helps you hire the leader who brings the best ATTITUDE for your company.

Teachers, read about how Energy Leadership transforms the lives of at-risk students.

Energy Leadership for Students

Energy Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry help schools reduce stress for students.

What kind of leader are you? Inspiring or Intimidating? Your leadership style can greatly impact corporate performance.

This article above shows how one simple question can change the environment, your attitude and the way you see things.

This article shows how thinking positively can really help you remain healthy! Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Psychology


Drew Dudley speaks about leadership and how the smallest leadership action can have a far reaching ripple affect.

Neil Pasricha reveals the 3 secrets of living a truly awesome life!

Alison Ledgerwood speaks about how our minds get stuck in the negative thoughts that we have in life. Your own positive and negative thoughts affect our perceptions. Remember your thoughts influence your feelings and affect your actions.


Radical Candor
by Kim Scott

Management is hard. Learn techniques to build radical candor in relationships and within teams and create cultures in which people love to work.

Just Listen
by Mark Goulston

Great techniques to help leaders break down walls and get through to people allowing you achieve buy in for your ideas and goals.

Divine Intuition
by Lynn A. Robinson

Lynn shows us how to live our lives intuitively and to tap into our own divine wisdom.

The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz

If you can live by these four agreements that you make with yourself then you will have a full and prosperous life.

Energy Leadership
by Bruce Schneider

Learn first hand how Bruce Schneider uses his program of Energy Leadership with a company that is failing. It is very easy to read and comprehend. The results at the end are very positive.

The Gifts of Imperfection
by Brene Brown

This book helps you let go of who you think you are supposed to be and embrace the real you~ with all of your gifts. This book teaches you to look at imperfections as part of your story. They are all well worth acknowledging and embracing.

Daring Greatly
by Brene Brown

Brene Brown has a number of books out that are really enlightening and interesting. These ones deal with the notion of courage, compassion and connection. She has many great gifts and suggestions on how to live an authentic and happy life.

My Stroke of Insight
by Jill Bolte Taylor

Harvard trained brain scientist, Taylor experienced a massive stroke and learned how to turn down the “brain chatter” from the left side of the brain and “step to the right” uncovering her right hemisphere’s consciousness, where empathy, emotion and intuition flourish.